By now you have probably heard that Pope Benedict XVI, the current occupant of the Throne of St. Peter is here in the United States. He is taking in all of the typical tourist sites while he is here in America. Il Papa has already made a stop at the White House and of course he will be spending time with the masses, I mean saying Mass at two American Ballparks - the Nationals' Park in Washington and the very storied Yankee Stadium in the Bronx, New York. (Not always the best place for a worship service - at least not an interfaith service). He will also spend time at Ground Zero in Lower Manhattan. Oh, and I almost forgot, he is going to visit that very useless and nearly pointless group of folks over at the UN - you know the ones who like to do their business in the context of the freedom and security of the United States but love to condemn us simply for being, all the time, but I digress.
So what is the big deal? What has security so high and so many pilgrims coming to Washington and New York to see this guy? Well, for Roman Catholics he is the most important person around - except for Jesus. For some more superstitious Roman Catholic types he might even be almost more important than Jesus. As Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, he was hugely popular for many of his very orthodox writings and leadership.
As a Lutheran, a MO Synod Lutheran at that, I am of course not all that excited about the Pope. Our doctrine as you may or may not know does not hold the Office of the Papacy in high esteem. It does not condemn the present occupant, or any other occupant of this office, but it doesn't have much good to say about the Office. However, I am not hear to argue the doctrinal issues related to the Office of the Pope. I am actually here to speak favorably about his visit to the United States.
When else does Christianity actually take the lead in the news? It only seems to happen when Christianity is being condemned for being intolerant or the worst among us (and yes there are worst among us - we after all are sinners) do something stupid or criminal. But with Benedict XVI in the country, Christianity is actually getting a little decent press for once. What a breath of fresh air.
I also have to say that it is nice to see that a German, white, male, member of the clergy, can be respected and not assumed to be an intolerant, unreasonable, racist, SOB, who you wouldn't dare leave your children with. That's right folks - not all of these guys are bad. Of course some are and they should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. But, it is not necessary to condemn the rest of us for the sins of some.
So enjoy the Papal visit - go watch the Pope mobile go by (that's pretty cool - I did that in St. Louis when PJP II was in town for a visit) - and enjoy the positive press for Christianity. Of course, don't get your hopes up the press will soon return to their regularly scheduled BS and liberal bias (except my Fair and Balanced friends at the Fox News Channel of course)!
So what is the big deal? What has security so high and so many pilgrims coming to Washington and New York to see this guy? Well, for Roman Catholics he is the most important person around - except for Jesus. For some more superstitious Roman Catholic types he might even be almost more important than Jesus. As Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, he was hugely popular for many of his very orthodox writings and leadership.
As a Lutheran, a MO Synod Lutheran at that, I am of course not all that excited about the Pope. Our doctrine as you may or may not know does not hold the Office of the Papacy in high esteem. It does not condemn the present occupant, or any other occupant of this office, but it doesn't have much good to say about the Office. However, I am not hear to argue the doctrinal issues related to the Office of the Pope. I am actually here to speak favorably about his visit to the United States.
When else does Christianity actually take the lead in the news? It only seems to happen when Christianity is being condemned for being intolerant or the worst among us (and yes there are worst among us - we after all are sinners) do something stupid or criminal. But with Benedict XVI in the country, Christianity is actually getting a little decent press for once. What a breath of fresh air.
I also have to say that it is nice to see that a German, white, male, member of the clergy, can be respected and not assumed to be an intolerant, unreasonable, racist, SOB, who you wouldn't dare leave your children with. That's right folks - not all of these guys are bad. Of course some are and they should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. But, it is not necessary to condemn the rest of us for the sins of some.
So enjoy the Papal visit - go watch the Pope mobile go by (that's pretty cool - I did that in St. Louis when PJP II was in town for a visit) - and enjoy the positive press for Christianity. Of course, don't get your hopes up the press will soon return to their regularly scheduled BS and liberal bias (except my Fair and Balanced friends at the Fox News Channel of course)!
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