Thursday, June 19, 2008

Gloucester High Baby Pact

As I sit in my easy chair listening to the Fox News Channel I have heard mostly of my favorite topic - the 2008 Presidential Election. However, as other topics have been visited on On The Record with Greta Van Susteren I was disgusted to learn of a story out of Gloucester High School in Gloucester, MA.

The story is one of teenage girls, age 16, who made a pact to all get pregnant with the goal of then raising their children together. Several girls have made "good" on the first part of the pact and have become pregnant. These girls have been impregnated by some of their fellow teenage students and also by one of the local homeless people who is reported to be 24!

I am not sure whether or not to put this in the category of "The End of the World" as perhaps the Mayor of Gumption County would do on the Garage Logic out of Minnesota! In some respects it seems like an "End of the World." We are talking about children planning to actively become pregnant so that they can have a baby to "raise." This is insane - they are children themselves and are certainly not qualified to raise a child! I am tempted to ask where the parents are and what the hell they are doing while their little girls are out plotting these sexual escapades, however I am not sure I really want to know.

On the other hand, this really doesn't fit in the category of "End of the World." The sad reality is that this story is not as shocking as it should be. In our society today, I am not really all that surprised to hear that this has taken place. I wish I could say that I was shocked and amazed but all I really can say is that I was disgusted.

There should be no such thing as a baby pact between children or for that matter adults. There is really only one proper place for there to be any talk of a "Baby Pact" and that would be between a man and a woman who are united to each other in the bond of marriage. Outside of the bond of marriage not only should there be no "Baby Pact" between anyone - there should not be any activity that might lead to a baby - pact or not. For all of you in Rio Linda that means that sexual intercourse is reserved for one man and one woman who are married to each other!

Come Lord Jesus, Come Quickly!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

McCain Hates War

Have you seen it? John McCain has an add running right now that is incredibly powerful. In the add he indicates that he hates war. He recounts how his father left for war when he was five, how his grandfather returned from war and died the very next day, and how he was shot down over Vietnam and spent several years in a POW camp. He notes that many of his buddies didn't make it home from war - this with the backdrop of the Vietnam Memorial shimmering in night lights with the Washington Monument in the background.

After all is said and done - Senator McCain (R-AZ)says that he hates war! I hate war too - it is a terrible thing. I am proud to support a candidate for the Presidency of the United States, the Commander and Chief of the U.S. Armed Forces, who hates war but understands its necessity to keep America safe.

John McCain is both a war hero and a great candidate for the Presidency in this time of war. He will do what is necessary to keep us safe while hating every minute of war and all of its awfulness.

This add makes me want to stand up and salute!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Timothy (Tim) J. Russert 1950-2008

The United States of America lost a media giant today. Tim Russert, moderator of NBC's Sunday morning news program Meet the Press and Bureau Chief of NBC's Washington Bureau, died suddenly at work today. He was only 58 years old! Tim died doing what he loved to do, he was working to prepare for Sunday morning's edition of his news program when he was struck by an apparent heart attack. He died studying the politics of the day and preparing to report on them.

Tim Russert has been a giant in the news media for the last 20 years, especially in the realm of politics. Few have the ability to analyze the politics of the day as well as Mr. Russert. Tim had a way of knowing the news inside and out and fully understanding the politics of the day.

I have been watching a great deal of coverage about Tim Russert's passing on his home network of NBC as well as on the Fox News Channel. Over the past few hours I have heard from world leaders, colleagues in the media from a variety of networks, current political figures, and many other friends and associates of Mr. Russert. As I have watched the coverage, I have heard the same things said over and over about Tim. These comments have been very complimentary, as may be expected at a time such as this, but in this case it is clear the people actually mean it.

I have heard of Tim's hard-hitting yet fair questioning. Everyone who talked about being interviewed by Tim Russert has noted they knew the questions would be tough. They knew that Tim would be well prepared to ask those questions. Everyone has mentioned how he always listened to the answers and would often guide the guest through a thought process of their own ideas. They have described him as very fair and in an earnest pursuit of the truth.

I have heard how Tim knew politics and how they worked. He was comfortable in Washington D.C. and knew his way around well. He could interact with the politicians and discuss the intricate details of the issues of the day. He was an expert in electoral politics and often provided analysis to his viewers on what was happening in primaries and general elections. Who could forget "Florida, Florida, Florida" written on a small white board? As a political junkie myself, especially in this extremely intriguing election year, I watch a great deal of talk shows with political pundits. Tim Russert was a source I regularly enjoyed hearing from to know what Tim was thinking. I might not always have agreed with Tim, but I always knew that his analysis and reporting was well researched!

I have heard about Tim Russert as a person. He has been described by many as a wonderful friend. How many people would do the kinds of things that person after person describes Tim doing for them? He actually asked people about how they were doing and really cared about their answer. He was there to celebrate with his friends when they rejoiced at the birth of a child and there to comfort when they faced hard times and death in their families. Tim was a genuine friend. More than that, people have all described him as godly man. His faith as a Roman Catholic was important to him and it did inform how he did his job.

I have heard more than anything else about what a wonderful family man Tim was. He loved his dad, Big Russ. His books revolve around his relationship with his beloved father. Not only was Tim a great and loving Son but he was also a great and wonderful father to his beloved son. He was a model father - a role model for all the fathers out there. He supported his son, he enjoyed playing with his son, he enjoyed ball with his son, he provided for his son, and he was faithful to his family!

Tim was a media giant and yet he never forgot where he came from. Tim was from Buffalo, NY - South Buffalo if you quote Tim directly. Buffalo is not just where Tim was from but it was where his heart was. He might have moved to Washington but he never left Buffalo.

In a world and media that is often full of people who are not the most upstanding people out there - Tim Russert stood out there as a fine example of what real journalism is about. Tim was a hard-hitting newsman but he was also a gentleman! Politics will not be the same without Tim Russert! One wonders if the outcome of the presidential election in November will be the same as it would have been had Tim Russert been alive to cover the run-up to the election! We will never know, but it is actually possible that Tim was just influential enough that he could have had an impact!

With much thanks for his fine leadership and service - I extend my sincere sympathy to his wife, Maureen; his son, Luke; his father, Big Russ; and all of his family as they mourn his death; as well as to all of his colleagues at NBC, especially those in the Washington Bureau. May the knowledge that Tim was a baptized child of God bring the comfort of Christ's resurrection to them all!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

InBev Buyout of Anheuser Busch

The rumors have been spreading all over the St. Louis area for the past couple of weeks. InBev, a beer distributor out of Belgium, would likely make a bid for the nations largest brewery and St. Louis benefactor, Anheuser Busch. Today those rumors became reality.

As I turned on my radio in the car on my way home today I heard the news on the voice of St. Louis, 1120 KMOX. InBev has made an unsolicited bid to purchase Anheuser Busch at a cost of $65 per share. This is a major concern in the St. Louis area!

Anheuser Busch is a St. Louis Institution. Their name is on the home of our World Championship St. Louis Cardinals home ballpark - Baseball Heaven aka Busch Stadium. Their name appears on any number of buildings at various institutions of higher learning all over the metro area. The Budweiser Clydesdales are one of the most recognized corporate icons in the nation and make appearances at numerous festivals and parades all across the Fruited Plain. AB is also a major benefactor of multiple not-for-profit agencies. The point is - Anheuser Busch is part of Americana and most importantly a vital part of St. Louis.

Additionally, AB is one of the largest employers in the St. Louis area. Many thousands of people work for Anheuser Busch right here in St. Louis and in other places around the country. These people are dependent upon the company for their well-being and income. Their pay translates in money spent in the local economy.

InBev is likely to change all of the above. Multiple reports have indicated that InBev may well cut jobs and often are not involved in the community. Could St. Louis loose - you bet we can. People could loose jobs, St. Louis could loose its benefactor, and who knows what might happen to the beer!

I for one hope that Anheuser Busch stays right here in mid-America where it belongs! I hope the deal is not done and AB continues to be the St. Louis institution that we know and love. I for one hope that Anheuser Busch continues to be the great American icon that it has become and continues to brew its product on the banks of the Mississippi without any InBev control. Why do I believe this? I believe this because St. Louis just can afford to loose another major icon - TWA and McDonnell Douglas already left - AB needs to stay. I believe this because there are just some things that belong in America and ought to remain uniquely American: Apple Pie, Football, Baseball, and Anheuser Busch!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Democratic Primaries and Nominee

Is it over? Well it really depends on what numbers you are counting and which speech you listen to. Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) just spoke in Manhattan. Her speech was strong and there was really no concession. It is true that she acknowledged that her competitor has more delegate votes but she didn't say she was backing out. She is still fighting. The question is what is she fighting for?

She is perhaps fighting for the nomination for Vice-President. Perhaps she should fight for that. However, she has a very legitimate reason to fight for the nomination. The delegate count may favor her opponent but the popular vote favors her. Which should count more - The vote of the people or a few elite party Super Delegates? As a Republican, a party without Super Delegates, it is hard for me to say that anything but the vote of the people should count. What of the disgrace in Michigan and Florida - their votes count for half? That hasn't happened since the civil rights movement gave equal voting rights to ALL AMERICANS!!!! How can an African American candidate not see the problem here?

Now Senator Barrack Hussein Obama (D-IL) is speaking. He is making nice to Mrs. Clinton. He also is claiming victory. Should he really be doing so and in the place where the Republican party will hold their convention later this year (The XCel Energy Center in St. Paul, MN)? I really don't think that he should be. First of all it is a low blow to take the place where Senator John McCain (R-AZ) will be nominated. That is just dirty politics and uncalled for. Secondly, how can he claim victory when more people voted for his Democratic opponent then have voted for any presidential candidate in the history of the United States of America? I don't see how he can honestly do this. I guess that is the problem - he isn't honest!

I am happy to have seen the contributions the first female candidate and the first serious African American candidate have brought to this campaign. I have no problem with either of them as a female or an African American. In fact if Secretary of State, Condolezza Rice were the candidate (for those of you in Rio Linda I should note - she is both a female and an African American) I would be overjoyed to vote for her!!! My issues with Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton are ideological and ideological only.

I went to to night and I told Mrs. Clinton to stay in the race. Now this is partially because I support Operation Chaos. However, it is also because I firmly believe that she has a legitimate argument to stay in. She won the popular vote and Mr. Obama did not! She has a good argument to fight on. Do I want her to be the next President - NO! I want Senator McCain to follow Mr. Bush. However, should the Democrats be victorious in November then Mrs. Clinton would be my choice.

I am surprised to see that in print. Do I support Mrs. Clinton - NO! In January, I wanted Mr. Obama to be the Democratic nominee. I believed that he was the lesser of two evils. As the campaign has unfolded it has become clear that he cannot be trusted. He associates with known terrorists and confessed bigots such as the Rev. Jeremiah Wright - his former pastor. We need a President who supports America and one who has a spouse that is proud of America and has been (not one like Mr. Obama's wife who acknowledges that she has never been proud of America before).

So what does all of this mean. It means that we need to support Senator John McCain both now and in November. It also means that we need to tell Hillary to stay in the race and not let Mr. Obama walk away with a victory that he didn't earn! Stay the course in this election folks and fight for what is proper, a patriotic President!