Denver, Colorado is the site of this year's Democratic National Convention. The convention has opened with the typical kinds of things that you see at these things: tributes to past party heroes, lots of patriotic colors, and some initial speeches starting to promote the presumptive nominee. The convention center is encircled by the media and the reporters are covering the convention floor. Basically, there is not much to report here. Nevertheless, let me make a few remarks.
As I began to watch the coverage on Fox News there was a presentation to honor Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA). This presentation began with an introduction by his niece, the daughter of the late President John F. Kennedy, Caroline Kennedy. Her speech was filled with wonderful platitudes and comparisons between her uncle and Senator Barack Hussein Obama (D-IL), the presumptive nominee of the party. Ms. Kennedy's speech was less than inspiring. She really had very little of any impact to say.
Caroline's speech was followed by a video tribute to Senator Edward Kennedy. I was struck by the fact that the tribute seemed a bit premature. It was well done. I am not saying I agreed with all of the sentiments it expressed, but it was a fitting tribute to someone who has served the country in the United States Senate for the length of time that Teddy has. However, I think they forgot one important thing - He's not dead yet!!!! His speech that followed was pretty much what I would have expected - all the party lingo and support for Barack and not much. It was more strongly delivered than I would have expected for someone suffering from brain cancer.
This was followed by a few more speeches - most of which were not covered on Fox. As these speeches were delivered the set-up was being done by Fox for Mrs. Barack Hussein Obama, Michelle Obama. Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO) provided the set-up on stage. For all of the hype, her speech was rather pointless and also a bunch of platitudes.
This was followed by a video presentation about the headliner for this evening - Mrs. Obama (whom some have described as a common street thug). The video was her mother, Barack, and a few others talking about how wonderful the fist-bumper (Michelle) is. This was followed by a speech by her brother to introduce her.
All during this time the press was covering the ongoing story of the conflict between the Obama camp and the Clinton camp. It is hard to tell what the real story is in this case. One thing seems clear - there is strife present.
As I write this, Mrs. Barack Hussein Obama has begun to give her speech. I am less than impressed at this point. Her presentation lacks the kind of finesse that a First Lady needs to have. Her speech seems stilted and her command of the English language seems to be less than what one would expect from a potential First Lady. So far, her content has said very little.
Mrs. Obama said in an earlier speech that she was proud of this country for the first time because of Barack running. Tonight she tells us that she is proud of this country. One has to ask - which statement was true? My guess - the first one!
She has now made the key point that everyone wants to make this week - Barack is the "messiah who is going to save us all." She has also affirmed that he stands for change - so what the heck does that mean?
Well - she just finished. She did end with "God Bless America." I have to ask however, are the words of her pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, "No, NO, NO, G-D America" echoing in her thoughts? My guess is yes!
Now Barack is making his video appearance to thank his wife for her remarks. I guess the video conference was to have a nice little family talk. I have no problem with the nice little family talk - but could that have been done on the phone later? I think so!!
Well - my stomach has churned enough for tonight. I wonder what tomorrow will bring?!
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