When Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) announced several weeks ago that she was dropping out of the race for the Democratic Nomination for President - I firmly believed that we had not heard the last from her campaign. Many pundits argued that Hillary would launch a campaign for 2012 and would of course be best poised to do so if Senator Barack Hussein Obama (D-IL) were to loose to Senator John McCain (R-AZ) in the November General Election. With these pundits I have no quarrel - I am sure that they are correct.
However, there was a smaller group of pundits who argued that we had not heard the last from Senator Clinton and her bid for the Democratic Nomination in 2008! With this group - I wholeheartedly agree. I don't view Mrs. Clinton as a quitter and certainly not one to give up on what she firmly believes she has earned. After all, Senator Clinton surpassed Senator Obama in the raw vote totals. Is it really accurate to say that she lost the primary races? What about the fact that if you total up the number of Electoral College Votes that would be Mrs. Clinton's if she won the same states in the General Election that she won in the primary races - she beats Senator Obama hands down! So - these pundits, I believe were onto something.
As a foot soldier of Operation Chaos (OC), I logged onto Senator Clinton's webpage and offered my advice that she stay in the race and not drop out. (Actually - as much as I dislike Senator Clinton - I think she did have valid arguments to stay in the race - so I wasn't just taking OC marching orders in doing this). Because I logged onto to her website and submitted my thoughts, I have continued to receive campaign updates from her. Wow - these things sure don't sound like someone who is out of the race!
Therefore, I was not surprised, when reading an acquaintances blog this morning, to learn that she was not necessarily out of the race. According to the article that this blog links to, Hillary's name could still appear on the Democratic Convention Nomination Ballot. Interesting!!!!
I would not be at all surprised if Hillary's name does appear on the ballot. Senator Obama has not done the best against his rival. He is not posting the huge poll advantage over Senator McCain that many were no doubt hoping for. Perhaps Senator Clinton believes that this is her chance to swoop back in and "Save the Democratic Party." I certainly hope that she does come back at the convention - it will keep things interesting to say the least.
Operation Chaos is in full swing!!!!
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