Events of the day kept me from watching much coverage of the Democratic National Convention this evening. I heard from someone else that Barbara Boxer "sucked the air out of the arena." I have to admit, I am really curious what she said or did. I hope to find out.
I did make it home just in time to see the final remarks of the Governor of Montana. I thought he seemed to be trying to be funny and was not getting the laughs that he was looking for. After that, the video introducing Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) followed by her introduction by her daughter Chelsea. As a proud deer hunter I have to say that I truly love the blaze orange suit that Hillary has chosen for this evening's speech - she looks loaded for bear (or is it loaded for Barack?).
The commentators were discussing, as I tuned in this evening that there is much afoot on the floor of the convention that could cause problems for Senator Barack Hussein Obama (D-IL). It sounds as though Hillary's delegates will continue to vote for her - even after she calls for a unanimous ballot for Mr. Obama. I am looking forward to a bloody floor fight - as one who likes the politics of a good convention I actually think it would be fun! As a Republican - I am happy to see the disarray - this is the fulfillment of Operation Chaos! All of this will, I hope, be of great benefit to Senator John McCain (R-AZ), my candidate.
As Senator Clinton has begun her remarks, I believe that she is proud of many things. I am not sure that she is truly proud to support Mr. Obama, however. There are so many things that she said of him during the primary campaign that it is very difficult to believe her. I firmly believe that she is only saying what she believes she has to say to look good - for 2012 or after. However, I believe that when the roll call comes she will be happy to see her supporters voting for her. I am curious to see what her husband, President William Jefferson Clinton has to say tomorrow.
It seems clear that Hillary is doing her level best to give a speech to bring unity to the Democratic Party. For them, this is good. I personally hope that it fails. Her speech seems to be well constructed and certainly much better than that of Michelle Obama last evening. I wonder if her speech will be better than Mr. Obama's on Thursday? I wouldn't be surprised if it is. She is a better public speaker and was a better debater. This is why she received 18 million votes - more than Barack Obama received, by the way.
As much as I dislike Senator Clinton, I have to say she would have been a stronger candidate and probably deserved to win. I think that her speech here is really setting herself up for a run again in four years. I suspect she is convinced that Barack won't win. Folks - this speech is the first of her 2012 bid for the White House!
She has just started to draw the comparisons between John McCain and President George W. Bush. Two things come to mind. First of all, that which she is accusing of being W's fault really is the fault of the Democratic Congress. Secondly, John McCain is not George W. Bush nor is George W. Bush running for President. I don't understand why the Democrats feel they have to run against Bush. Ok - I do - they are afraid to tell us what they really believe because they know that if we know that we won't vote for them!
Hillary just finished. She delivered a very strong speech. It sounded like a speech that was in support of Barack Hussein Obama. In some respects it was. However, I still say as I did above, this speech was still more about her than it was about him. Mark my words - we have NOT heard the last of Hillary Clinton!
The pundits on Fox News are all saying similar things about her speech. Interestingly enough, these pundits note that it was not a striking endorsement of Barack Obama - no strong statement of saying he would be a great President! Interesting!!!!!
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