Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Here we go again...

If you have paid any attention to the Democratic Primary races, you know that there is a neck and neck race taking place between Barack Hussein Obama (D-IL) and Hillary Rodham Clinton (D -NY). The counts are a bit close on the delegate side of things with Barack in the lead. However, there are those delegates in Michigan and Florida who belong to Hillary but don't count at the present time.

We are in the midst of reporting out of Indiana and North Carolina. North Carolina has been called for Mr. Obama and Fox News (my election coverage home) has not yet called Indiana, but it looks like Mrs. Clinton will likely win, in fact Obama has conceded Indiana. So what does this all mean? It means that we can say that the title of this post is accurate - "Here we go again!" It means Operation Chaos is working still.

It was just announced on the news that whichever candidate becomes the nominee of the Democratic Party they will deliver their acceptance speech on the anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr. delivering the famous, "I Have A Dream" speech. Well isn't that just exciting? Does that really matter as to which candidate should be elected? I am sure each one would like to capitalize on this anniversary. Here is the problem - neither Barack nor Hillary are anything in comparison to Dr. King! He actually stood for something important not just a bunch of liberal psycho babel!

As a fan of politics and one who loves a bloody floor fight at a convention - I am excited to see this mess. Of course, as a Republican I am also happy to see that this mess is in the midst of the Democrats and I sincerely hope that it benefits our side.

Here we go again!

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