Friday, August 29, 2008
Sarah Palin (R-AK)
I just finished listening to Governor Sarah Palin (R-AK) at the rally in Dayton, OH where Senator John McCain (R-AZ) introduced her as his running mate. WOW - what a speech!
I am extremely impressed by Governor Palin. I believe that Senator McCain has made an excellent choice. She delivered a well crafted speech that spoke directly to the important issues of this campaign, articulated her qualifications for the position, addressed the opposition, and supported the top of the ticket with dignity and strength. It seems clear, that Senator McCain has selected a strong running mate who will be a formidable opponent during the next 67 days and who will serve well as the next Vice President of the United States.
John McCain Selects Sarah Palin as V.P.
Multiple news agencies, Fox News included are reporting that Governor Sarah Palin (R-AK) is Senator John McCain's (R-AZ) choice as a running mate for the Republican Party's ticket for the Presidential Election. The "Official Announcement" has not yet been made - that should being coming soon.
A few initial remarks are worth while. I believe that this may be a good choice. From what I have been able to gather this morning the choice offers the ticket a solid conservative presence. Governor Palin is a member of the NRA, pro-Life, mother of 5 (one headed to Iraq and one just recently born with Down Syndrome), she is much younger than McCain, she is a Christian, and is purported to be a rising star in the Republican Party.
I was a bit surprised this morning when I heard that Governor Tim Pawlenty (R-MN) was staying home to go to the MN State Fair (though I don't blame him it is an awesome fair) and that Governor Mitt Romney (R-MA) was staying Boston. However, as I learned that Governor Palin was the likely choice it started to make sense.
Will Governor Palin bring in the female vote from Senator Barack Hussein Obama (D-IL), since he didn't pick Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY)? This remains to be seen, but I suspect it was a large part of John McCain's decision.
I'll wait to comment further until after the pick is announced officially and I have had a chance to digest more of the commentary from my pundit friends.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Senator John McCain Congratulates Senator Barack Obama
This is a class act - very impressive!
Congratulations Senators Obama and McCain!
Congratulations Senators Obama and McCain!
Democratic National Convention - Day Four, Part II
Tonight, Senator Barack Hussein Obama (D-IL) announced that he will accept the nomination of his party for the Presidency of the United States of America. I have discussed the historicity of this occasion in the other post on the Democratic National Convention this evening. This event is the climax of the Democratic Convention in Denver, CO. This event is being held in Invesco Field at Mile High Stadium.
Senator Obama was nominated by his party after defeating his closest competitor, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY). He will run against the presumptive nominee of the Republican Party, Senator John McCain (R-AZ). It is rather surprising to me therefore, that the speech is following the growing rhetoric of running against President George W. Bush. This is surprising because of course, President Bush is not running for a third term, since he is constitutionally unable to do so nor is John McCain President Bush!
Senator Obama is attacking Senator McCain's voting record as being in agreement with President Bush 90% of the time. It is interesting to note that many votes in the Senate are for things like motherhood and apple pie. It is no surprise that there is 90% agreement. Dick Morris noted on Fox News just before this speech that Barack Obama has probably voted in agreement with John McCain nearly 90% of the time!
Senator Obama is introducing his primary campaign theme - CHANGE!!! Everyone seems to know that Mr. Obama stands for change. The problem is - no one seems to articulate what the changes will be. When someone tries they tend to just spit out the typical Democratic rhetoric. Wow - that is what Mr. Obama is doing right now. Basically it sounds as though Mr. Obama's idea of change is really no change at all!!!
Up to this point, Mr. Obama has not yet articulated why he is qualified to be the President of the United States. I find it to be very interesting that when Democrats are asked to articulate even one reason that Mr. Obama is qualified to be the President - they are unable to do it and refuse to do anything but change the topic! Could it be that there are no reasons that are able to be articulated.
Mr. Obama has been purported to be a great orator by many. Many have come to hear him speak for months and nearly 80,000 have come to hear him speak tonight. The problem is - there seems to be no great oration taking place in Denver tonight. His delivery is ok but not fantastic. He does not sound all that Presidential and he certainly does not sound as strong as Senator Clinton did on Tuesday, nor as strong as his running mate, Joe Biden or President Bill Clinton did last night. This raises a question in my mind - why is this the guy who is the candidate?!
Mr. Obama is now explaining what change is all about. Thankfully we finally get an answer. Here is the list: Taxes, no Capital Gains for small businesses (but they will be huge on 98% of those who pay capital gains),we will end dependence on Middle Eastern Oil in 10 years, world class education for children, affordable-accessible health care, family leave, equal pay for women, social security, and the like. So where is the change? Most of these are long-time Democratic positions. There is nothing earth shattering here. Some of these are again motherhood and apple pie kinds of things and the rest that are uniquely Democratic are just that - the same old Democratic rhetoric!
Mr. Obama is arguing that we need a President who is focused upon the future not the past. Then he notes that he is from the party of Roosevelt and Kennedy to show that Democrats will defend the country. Correct me here if I am wrong folks - but that sure doesn't sound like looking towards the future - I mean I am pretty sure that F.D.R. and J.F.K. are both figures of the past!
Senator Obama is seeking to illustrate places where bipartisanship is possible. There may be some things on his list where this is true. The problem is that his list is a list of some of the major issues in the United States. Included were isues of abortion, gay rights, and immigration. There may be points of agreement at basic levels under some of these issues but it is erroneous to argue that this makes bipartisanship possible.
Mr. Obama says that this election is not about him but about the people. If he truly believes that, then why is trying to make himself look like a Greek god in front of his temple?!! It sure looks like this is about him to me!
Mr. Obama brought a great deal of hype to this evening. There is a huge crowd there to see him. This speech is the most important of his political career to this point. This speech is the climax of his nominating convention. This speech is the key piece in Senator Obama's campaign to this point. The problem is - this is not the most powerful speech that could have been delivered! Speeches delivered earlier in this convention have been stronger. Speeches delivered by Obama earlier in the campaign have been stronger. Even with a flourish of images from forty-five years ago at the end of the speech, the speech seemed to lack the full-punch it needed. The speech seemed to lack what was necessary to live up to the occasion and setting demanded. The crowd may have believed that it did do this - but from my living room it did not seem to do so!
Democratic National Convention - Day Four, Part I
Once again today, I have elected to provide two posts on the Democratic National Convention. This first post for the day is simply to recognize the historicity of this day in the United States of America.
On this day, August 28th, forty-five years ago, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. stood on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. and delivered his most famous speech: the "I Have A Dream" speech. In the last forty-five years much has transpired.
Included in what has transpired in that forty-five years are the historical events of the presidential primaries of this past spring. We have seen for the first time a female candidate as a serious contender for the nomination of a major party for President contending against the first serious African American contender for the nomination of a major party for President. In the end, Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) defeated Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) and won his parties nomination for President.
Tonight on this historic anniversary, Mr. Obama will deliver his acceptance speech. In the midst of the partisan politics of an election season it is important that we do not miss the very significant historicity of this evening. For this reason, I have chosen to describe that historicity here without political commentary. I will reserve that commentary for my second post of this evening.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Democratic National Convention - Day Three, Part II
Tonight at the Democratic National Convention, Senator Joe Biden (D-DE)accepted his party's nomination to run as the Vice-President of the United States. I have to say that I was surprised to learn about his family history and the tragedy that he suffered with his sons at the death of his daughter and his spouse. It was impressive to listen to his son describe him as a supportive father. While it has little to do with this election - I have to say that I am impressed by his leadership as a "good father," something very many men in our country need to learn. Ideology aside, I have to say that Senator Biden has done well by his children.
Senator Biden's speech is being delivered in a very conversational tone. I would have to say that his conversational style does seems to be very effective with the delegates. This style may serve the ticket well as the campaign moves forward. While I don't agree with all of his points nor with his political positions, I believe he is making an effective speech. This conversational style morphed into a stronger typical political style. The combination seemed to prove effective.
As Senator Biden begins to speak of his partner on the top of the ticket, Senator Barack Hussein Obama (D-IL), he is beginning to outline the accomplishments of Barack Obama. Many, myself included, have asked the question, "What has Barack Obama accomplished?" For the first time, I am hearing a politician list at least a few of those. I am not convinced those that Senator Biden is listing are all that significant but at least he seems to list some.
Senator Biden is pushing the Obama major issue of "Change." My only question is - what exactly does it mean to stand for change? I understand in general what change is, but my question is - what will the changes be - what does Barack really stand for.
Senator Biden is now talking about Senator John McCain. I tend to believe that he means he is a friend of John McCain. I believe there are those on opposite sides of the aisle who are friends. It is possible to be friends with one's ideological adversary. I do reject the idea that Senator McCain's positions are simply more of the same - Senator McCain is not President George W. Bush!
Ok - Senator Biden is starting to articulate some of what the change will be. Here is the thing - it isn't change - in Biden's own words about McCain, it's more of the same. The change that is being proposed in this speech sounds just like the same Democratic ideology and rhetoric.
Senator Biden is delivering a strong speech. I have to wonder - will it be stronger than the candidate's speech tomorrow night? Mr. Biden looks presidential, as did of course President Clinton but I am not sure that Mr. Obama will look presidential. Mrs. Obama did not look like a First Lady and I have a feeling that Mr. Obama will not look presidential as he speaks in a ballpark in front of what is purported to look like a Greek Temple. Personally, I hope that Mr. Obama does not look presidential but more like a rock star. For if he looks like rock star - I hope the American People are smart enough to recognize that they should not vote for him. Tomorrow we will find out whether or not the candidate was outdone by his running mate.
One other question: As I look at Joe Biden I have to wonder - will Barack have to stop attacking Senator McCain based on his age? It sure would seem that way!
P.S. - I am a little surprised that Senator Obama spoke during his appearance on stage to congratulate Senator Biden. I wasn't all that surprised by his presence on stage briefly but his giving a commercial for his unprecidented speech at a different venue tomorrow evening seemed odd. Why did he need to give the commercial or explain his decision - could it be that the delegates are not taking to the idea of the circus planned for Invesco Field at Mile High? HMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!
Democratic National Convention - Day Three, Part I
I have decided that today's post on the DNC will receive two different parts. The reason for this is that I wish to comment upon Senator Joe Biden's (D-DE) speech in a separate post.
Let me say that today is an historic day in the history of the United States of America. Today, on the floor of the Democratic National Convention at the Pepsi Center in Denver, Colorado the delegates nominated the first African American Candidate for President of the United States. Whether or not you support Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) or not, this day remains an historic day. I am grateful that our country has reached a point where such a nomination is possible.
Almost of equal historic value is the fact that Senator Obama defeated Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY), the first serious female candidate for the Presidency of the United States. This makes the occasion doubly historic. I am also grateful that we have come to a point in our country where a female candidate could just as easily have received the nomination as an African American candidate.
The primary drama today was in the nomination of Senator Barack Hussein Obama as the nominee of the Democratic Party. I am not sure if the unity the party wanted is fully there but the Roll Call vote began to demonstrate that the Senator Clinton supporters, at the convention, unified with the Obama supporters, to a point. I believe that Senator Clinton's motion for a unanimous ballot was necessary for her to preserve her opportunities to run again in 2012 or beyond. In my estimation this is the only reason that she did what she did in making the motion. This is also the very reason that she released her delegates.
President William Jefferson Clinton had his moment (nearly 30 minutes) on the podium this evening. Rhetorically, I believe he provided a strong speech. He gave a stronger endorsement of Senator Obama than Senator Clinton did. The reason his endorsement was stronger than his wife's was because he actually provided reasons that he felt Mr. Obama is qualified to serve as the President. This was essential for Mr. Obama. While I disagree with President Clinton's assessment of Mr. Obama and also of the Republican positions, I believe he delivered a solid speech for Mr. Obama and his party. It is worth noting though, that in true Clinton fashion the speech was about him. President Clinton's remarks on Mr. Obama's qualifications were very closely tied both to his own Presidency and the positions that Mrs. Clinton ran on.
In many ways, I believe that President Clinton moved the party forward. I also believe he helped lay the ground work for Mrs. Clinton's next campaign.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Democratic National Convention - Day 2
Events of the day kept me from watching much coverage of the Democratic National Convention this evening. I heard from someone else that Barbara Boxer "sucked the air out of the arena." I have to admit, I am really curious what she said or did. I hope to find out.
I did make it home just in time to see the final remarks of the Governor of Montana. I thought he seemed to be trying to be funny and was not getting the laughs that he was looking for. After that, the video introducing Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) followed by her introduction by her daughter Chelsea. As a proud deer hunter I have to say that I truly love the blaze orange suit that Hillary has chosen for this evening's speech - she looks loaded for bear (or is it loaded for Barack?).
The commentators were discussing, as I tuned in this evening that there is much afoot on the floor of the convention that could cause problems for Senator Barack Hussein Obama (D-IL). It sounds as though Hillary's delegates will continue to vote for her - even after she calls for a unanimous ballot for Mr. Obama. I am looking forward to a bloody floor fight - as one who likes the politics of a good convention I actually think it would be fun! As a Republican - I am happy to see the disarray - this is the fulfillment of Operation Chaos! All of this will, I hope, be of great benefit to Senator John McCain (R-AZ), my candidate.
As Senator Clinton has begun her remarks, I believe that she is proud of many things. I am not sure that she is truly proud to support Mr. Obama, however. There are so many things that she said of him during the primary campaign that it is very difficult to believe her. I firmly believe that she is only saying what she believes she has to say to look good - for 2012 or after. However, I believe that when the roll call comes she will be happy to see her supporters voting for her. I am curious to see what her husband, President William Jefferson Clinton has to say tomorrow.
It seems clear that Hillary is doing her level best to give a speech to bring unity to the Democratic Party. For them, this is good. I personally hope that it fails. Her speech seems to be well constructed and certainly much better than that of Michelle Obama last evening. I wonder if her speech will be better than Mr. Obama's on Thursday? I wouldn't be surprised if it is. She is a better public speaker and was a better debater. This is why she received 18 million votes - more than Barack Obama received, by the way.
As much as I dislike Senator Clinton, I have to say she would have been a stronger candidate and probably deserved to win. I think that her speech here is really setting herself up for a run again in four years. I suspect she is convinced that Barack won't win. Folks - this speech is the first of her 2012 bid for the White House!
She has just started to draw the comparisons between John McCain and President George W. Bush. Two things come to mind. First of all, that which she is accusing of being W's fault really is the fault of the Democratic Congress. Secondly, John McCain is not George W. Bush nor is George W. Bush running for President. I don't understand why the Democrats feel they have to run against Bush. Ok - I do - they are afraid to tell us what they really believe because they know that if we know that we won't vote for them!
Hillary just finished. She delivered a very strong speech. It sounded like a speech that was in support of Barack Hussein Obama. In some respects it was. However, I still say as I did above, this speech was still more about her than it was about him. Mark my words - we have NOT heard the last of Hillary Clinton!
The pundits on Fox News are all saying similar things about her speech. Interestingly enough, these pundits note that it was not a striking endorsement of Barack Obama - no strong statement of saying he would be a great President! Interesting!!!!!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Democratic National Convention - Day 1
Denver, Colorado is the site of this year's Democratic National Convention. The convention has opened with the typical kinds of things that you see at these things: tributes to past party heroes, lots of patriotic colors, and some initial speeches starting to promote the presumptive nominee. The convention center is encircled by the media and the reporters are covering the convention floor. Basically, there is not much to report here. Nevertheless, let me make a few remarks.
As I began to watch the coverage on Fox News there was a presentation to honor Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA). This presentation began with an introduction by his niece, the daughter of the late President John F. Kennedy, Caroline Kennedy. Her speech was filled with wonderful platitudes and comparisons between her uncle and Senator Barack Hussein Obama (D-IL), the presumptive nominee of the party. Ms. Kennedy's speech was less than inspiring. She really had very little of any impact to say.
Caroline's speech was followed by a video tribute to Senator Edward Kennedy. I was struck by the fact that the tribute seemed a bit premature. It was well done. I am not saying I agreed with all of the sentiments it expressed, but it was a fitting tribute to someone who has served the country in the United States Senate for the length of time that Teddy has. However, I think they forgot one important thing - He's not dead yet!!!! His speech that followed was pretty much what I would have expected - all the party lingo and support for Barack and not much. It was more strongly delivered than I would have expected for someone suffering from brain cancer.
This was followed by a few more speeches - most of which were not covered on Fox. As these speeches were delivered the set-up was being done by Fox for Mrs. Barack Hussein Obama, Michelle Obama. Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO) provided the set-up on stage. For all of the hype, her speech was rather pointless and also a bunch of platitudes.
This was followed by a video presentation about the headliner for this evening - Mrs. Obama (whom some have described as a common street thug). The video was her mother, Barack, and a few others talking about how wonderful the fist-bumper (Michelle) is. This was followed by a speech by her brother to introduce her.
All during this time the press was covering the ongoing story of the conflict between the Obama camp and the Clinton camp. It is hard to tell what the real story is in this case. One thing seems clear - there is strife present.
As I write this, Mrs. Barack Hussein Obama has begun to give her speech. I am less than impressed at this point. Her presentation lacks the kind of finesse that a First Lady needs to have. Her speech seems stilted and her command of the English language seems to be less than what one would expect from a potential First Lady. So far, her content has said very little.
Mrs. Obama said in an earlier speech that she was proud of this country for the first time because of Barack running. Tonight she tells us that she is proud of this country. One has to ask - which statement was true? My guess - the first one!
She has now made the key point that everyone wants to make this week - Barack is the "messiah who is going to save us all." She has also affirmed that he stands for change - so what the heck does that mean?
Well - she just finished. She did end with "God Bless America." I have to ask however, are the words of her pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, "No, NO, NO, G-D America" echoing in her thoughts? My guess is yes!
Now Barack is making his video appearance to thank his wife for her remarks. I guess the video conference was to have a nice little family talk. I have no problem with the nice little family talk - but could that have been done on the phone later? I think so!!
Well - my stomach has churned enough for tonight. I wonder what tomorrow will bring?!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Don't Lie About It
Today it was my privilege to serve as a guest pastor at an LCMS congregation. As we gathered for the Divine Service, God brought to us His Word and Sacrament. Just before the service a godly man, one of the elders, informed me that there were visitors in the midst of the congregation. He told me that they were former LCMS members who had left their LCMS congregation and joined an ELCA congregation.
I spoke with these visitors just before the service began and welcomed them to worship. I asked if they were members of an LCMS congregation and they told me that they were not. They also told me, when asked, that the pastor loci had communed them before. I already knew from the elder that this was not the case but rather the pastor loci as a faithful steward of the mysteries of God had not communed them since they were of a different confession.
Unfortunately, the elder as he assisted me in the distribution had to make the difficult decision with me to not commune these same people as they approached the table. I really felt bad about this. I did not feel bad because of having to make the difficult decision but because these folks made the choice to lie to me and try to make an issue out of the Lord's Supper.
I give thanks to God that He provided me with a faithful elder this morning. Were it not for the presence of this man of God, I would not have known that these people were trying to pull one over on me and the congregation.
I also simply want to say this - don't lie about it. If you are of a different confession and are present for worship with us - just be honest. I'll be happy to visit with you and respect your confession of faith but please also respect mine. Don't lie - not only is it rude and demonstrative of a lack of respect for the Church and the Pastoral Office - it is sinful!
Almost Over
As I write this post, the Closing Ceremony of the Games of the XXIX Olympiad in Beijing is drawing to a close. These games have seen also sorts of World and Olympic Records broken. The Opening and Closing Ceremonies have been spectacular. Now we must wait four long years until the games in London, or at least two years until the Winter Games in Vancouver to see Olympic action once again.
The Olympic Games are one of the greatest things in the world these days. I am amazed that we are actually able to pull these things off. It is refreshing to see that mankind can come together for something.
Whether or not you thought that China was a good choice for these games and whether or not you felt they should be permitted to host the games, I have to say that I enjoyed watching the athletes give it there all and compete for Olympic Gold. I prefer to think that these games were less about China and more about the athletes. Sure - China will get some credit but I will spend more time remembering folks like Phelps, Johnson, Misty May and Carrie, and many many others.
To all the athletes who competed - well done! Congratulations to all the medalists. To Team USA - thanks for making us proud with all of your efforts. See you in London in 2012!!!!!
29th Olympiad,
Closing Ceremony,
Saturday, August 23, 2008
This is Change???????
This morning just after 3AM on the East Coast - the frantic text message was sent to supporters of Senator Barack Hussein Obama (D-IL) announcing his choice of running mates. It was a frantic text message, as apparently there was a leak of the name of the choice. The choice announced under cover of darkness via text message was really no great surprise to many. Many pundits had posited the likely choice and that is exactly the person that Senator Obama selected. Senator Joseph Biden (D-DE) will serve as the running mate for Senator Obama.
I only have one real question here - where is the Change? Senator Obama has been promising change ever since he entered this race. Change has been his mantra. He has promised that things would not be business as usual. He has promised that he would be different because he is not a longtime Washington D.C. insider. He has promised that he is ready for the presidency and therefore can do many different things. Yes, he has promised change. So where is the change?
Senator Biden has spent a long time inside the Beltway. He brings to Obama a large amount of experience in foreign policy. In fact, he really emphasizes what Obama does not have - experience.
I believe this is good news for Senator John McCain (R-AZ) and his bid for the White House. Biden does not bring anything too great to the Obama ticket. He has some experience but that emphasizes Obama's lack thereof. He has some stability but that is set over against Obama's promise of change. He is said to be a fighter but he came in 5th in the Iowa Caucuses (Hawkeye Cawkeye)! He was very critical of Senator Obama and of course said that he had no desire to be the Vice President but would rather stay in his current job. My thought is - GREAT!!!! Let's all vote for Senator McCain and then Mr. Biden doesn't have to be the VP!!!!!
I only have one real question here - where is the Change? Senator Obama has been promising change ever since he entered this race. Change has been his mantra. He has promised that things would not be business as usual. He has promised that he would be different because he is not a longtime Washington D.C. insider. He has promised that he is ready for the presidency and therefore can do many different things. Yes, he has promised change. So where is the change?
Senator Biden has spent a long time inside the Beltway. He brings to Obama a large amount of experience in foreign policy. In fact, he really emphasizes what Obama does not have - experience.
I believe this is good news for Senator John McCain (R-AZ) and his bid for the White House. Biden does not bring anything too great to the Obama ticket. He has some experience but that emphasizes Obama's lack thereof. He has some stability but that is set over against Obama's promise of change. He is said to be a fighter but he came in 5th in the Iowa Caucuses (Hawkeye Cawkeye)! He was very critical of Senator Obama and of course said that he had no desire to be the Vice President but would rather stay in his current job. My thought is - GREAT!!!! Let's all vote for Senator McCain and then Mr. Biden doesn't have to be the VP!!!!!
Barack Obama,
Democratic Ticket,
Joe Biden,
John McCain,
Vice President
Thursday, August 21, 2008
??? Airline Pricing ???
I have long known that airline pricing does not necessarily make a whole lot of sense. When I was living in Minnesota, I remember a story that the local tv station - KARE 11 - ran on the topic of how many prices there were for one flight. As I recall there were about 200 seats on the flight in question. Nevertheless from the time the seats went on sale there were about 1,000 different prices a customer could have paid!!!
My current responsibilities include traveling throughout the country. This past week I have been planning travel and booking flights. One trip this fall takes me to the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul. Flying to the Twin Cities seems to cost a lot of money especially since Southwest does not fly there. However, it would seem a person could fly from St. Louis to the Twin Cities for a reasonable rate. The best rate that I was able to find on several websites for a non-stop flight was $670 and I would have had to pay for my luggage too!
Now I could have flown through Atlanta on one airline or through Dallas on another. In both cases the cost was about half the cost of flying non-stop! I also could have flown to Green Bay, WI (another stop on my trip) through Minneapolis for less. Yes, I would have flown on the same flight to MSP from STL on my way to Green Bay as I would have booked for the non-stop to MSP. The same was true on the return trip! No I cannot explain this madness - perhaps you are able to do so!
Well - I couldn't make heads or tails of the situation but I thought it ridiculous to pay these rates or inconvenience myself to fly all over the country to get where I needed to go. I booked a flight on Southwest to Chicago's Midway Airport (by the way - Midway has cleaned up the place and it is actually not a half bad airport to fly through) and I am driving through WI to get to MN. I saved $500 and the car is cheaper too. No - the gas will not even come close to erasing my savings since most of the driving I will be doing - I would have done anyway! Oh - I don't have to pay to take a checked bag either!
Maybe there is a reason that Southwest is doing pretty well while the other major airlines are having some major issues!
Airline Prices,
Saint Louis,
Twin Cities
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
+ The Rev. Dr. George Wollenburg+
The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod lost a great churchman this week. The Rev. Dr. George Wollenburg, former president of the Montana District died Monday, August 18, 2008. He served his Lord faithfully and was a consistent voice for the Gospel throughout the Synod.
The LCMS has posted an obituary. I would encourage you to take a few moments and read it. After that, I would encourage you to give thanks to God both for the faith to which He called Dr. Wollenburg and for having blessed us in the LCMS with the gift of this great churchman.
"The Lord has given and the Lord has taken away: Blessed be the Name of the Lord."
Suicide ISN'T Painless!
The theme song of the old TV Show M.A.S.H. was called "Suicide Is Painless." Well, guess what folks - that is a lie!! I can't tell you what it is like for the person so overcome with the trials and tribulations of this life that they find no hope but to take their own life, but I am pretty sure it has to be anything but painless! I can say with great certainty, from my own pastoral experience, suicide is NOT painless for those who are left behind.
Today, I received a message from a friend. This person is a high school student who is simply trying to make sense of the world around her. Her world took a dramatic turn for the worse when a friend of hers ended her own life. My friend doesn't know how to make sense of all of this. She is searching for answers in the midst of her grief as no doubt are those who were closer to the deceased than my friend was.
I am glad that I was able to assure my friend of God's grace in baptism and point her to the cross and the empty tomb. I am thankful that I was able to share hope in Christ with her and help her with her grief. I wish, however, that I had not had to do so. I am sure it won't be the last time that such a situation arises - but my guess is that I will be sharing similar words with someone else - all too soon!
Ladies and Gentlemen - Suicide is NOT Painless! More importantly, there is hope and there is help. If you are finding yourself lost and don't know where to turn - turn to Christ! Turn to your pastor! Turn to a friend! Turn to a family member! Turn to someone! Don't give up - ask for help. People care about you and Christ cares about you. Please, I beg you, don't give up - you are worth much - Christ died and rose for you!
Today, I received a message from a friend. This person is a high school student who is simply trying to make sense of the world around her. Her world took a dramatic turn for the worse when a friend of hers ended her own life. My friend doesn't know how to make sense of all of this. She is searching for answers in the midst of her grief as no doubt are those who were closer to the deceased than my friend was.
I am glad that I was able to assure my friend of God's grace in baptism and point her to the cross and the empty tomb. I am thankful that I was able to share hope in Christ with her and help her with her grief. I wish, however, that I had not had to do so. I am sure it won't be the last time that such a situation arises - but my guess is that I will be sharing similar words with someone else - all too soon!
Ladies and Gentlemen - Suicide is NOT Painless! More importantly, there is hope and there is help. If you are finding yourself lost and don't know where to turn - turn to Christ! Turn to your pastor! Turn to a friend! Turn to a family member! Turn to someone! Don't give up - ask for help. People care about you and Christ cares about you. Please, I beg you, don't give up - you are worth much - Christ died and rose for you!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Proud to be American!
I have spent a great deal of time over the past several days watching the Olympic Games. I always enjoy watching the athletes from all over the world give it their all for Olympic Gold. There have been some wonderful moments for our US athletes and of course amazing feats completed by athletes from other places also. My favorite moment of these games, so far, came when Michael Phelps won his record setting Eighth Gold Medal in the men's 4X100 medley last night.
All I can say is that Michael is an amazing athlete and a class act. He makes me proud to be an American. I was so impressed after the medal ceremony last night as I watched Michael. The media from all over the world were trying to get pictures and comments from the greatest Olympic Athlete of all time. However, Michael had another mission in mind. There would be time for interviews and pictures later. There was something more important for Michael than media attention at that moment.
I was impressed as I watched Michael shake his head "no" to the press and then walk directly through all the cameras and up the bleachers to greet his mother and his sisters. He had flowers to give to them. He knew all the other stuff could wait - he had a mother to hug. I was extremely proud to be an American as I watched his race, his medal ceremony, and his attending to his mother.
Michael Phelps - truly an American Hero!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations Michael!!!!!!!!!!!
Bejing 2008,
Gold Medal,
Michael Phelps,
Friday, August 8, 2008
Good Luck - Team USA
As I sit here in my easy chair watching the broadcast of the Opening Ceremonies of the 29th Olympiad - I am well aware that the games have already begun. Even these Opening Ceremonies were practically over when I arrived at work this morning. No matter - my purpose here is not to comment on the games starting time or when things are being broadcast by NBC here in the USA. Rather my purpose in this blog post is very simple - I wish to wish all of the athletes competing in these games good luck.
That being said - I wish to especially wish each and every member of TEAM USA - Good luck. Go out there and make the homeland proud!!!!! God Bless America!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Hillary Again (Still?)
When Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) announced several weeks ago that she was dropping out of the race for the Democratic Nomination for President - I firmly believed that we had not heard the last from her campaign. Many pundits argued that Hillary would launch a campaign for 2012 and would of course be best poised to do so if Senator Barack Hussein Obama (D-IL) were to loose to Senator John McCain (R-AZ) in the November General Election. With these pundits I have no quarrel - I am sure that they are correct.
However, there was a smaller group of pundits who argued that we had not heard the last from Senator Clinton and her bid for the Democratic Nomination in 2008! With this group - I wholeheartedly agree. I don't view Mrs. Clinton as a quitter and certainly not one to give up on what she firmly believes she has earned. After all, Senator Clinton surpassed Senator Obama in the raw vote totals. Is it really accurate to say that she lost the primary races? What about the fact that if you total up the number of Electoral College Votes that would be Mrs. Clinton's if she won the same states in the General Election that she won in the primary races - she beats Senator Obama hands down! So - these pundits, I believe were onto something.
As a foot soldier of Operation Chaos (OC), I logged onto Senator Clinton's webpage and offered my advice that she stay in the race and not drop out. (Actually - as much as I dislike Senator Clinton - I think she did have valid arguments to stay in the race - so I wasn't just taking OC marching orders in doing this). Because I logged onto to her website and submitted my thoughts, I have continued to receive campaign updates from her. Wow - these things sure don't sound like someone who is out of the race!
Therefore, I was not surprised, when reading an acquaintances blog this morning, to learn that she was not necessarily out of the race. According to the article that this blog links to, Hillary's name could still appear on the Democratic Convention Nomination Ballot. Interesting!!!!
I would not be at all surprised if Hillary's name does appear on the ballot. Senator Obama has not done the best against his rival. He is not posting the huge poll advantage over Senator McCain that many were no doubt hoping for. Perhaps Senator Clinton believes that this is her chance to swoop back in and "Save the Democratic Party." I certainly hope that she does come back at the convention - it will keep things interesting to say the least.
Operation Chaos is in full swing!!!!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Small Turnout
Yesterday, I inquired where the Republicans were on the ballots for today's primary elections in the State of Missouri. I also observed that because there were few choices it might hardly be necessary to hold a primary. Nevertheless, I went to the polls today and cast my ballot for my choices in the races where I had options and also for a tax proposal that was on my ballot.
I wasn't alone but I was not in the company of very many. During the time I was at the polls there were about four other voters there, one of whom was my wife! I have not heard the final numbers for the day but I do know that they were projecting about a 1/3 voter turnout. If you ask me - and since you are reading my blog, you kind of did - that is ridiculous!
Limited choices or not - voting is a still a wonderful right that we have in this nation and it should not be taken for granted. If there are decisions to be made the voters should be making them. From what I have gathered from news reports so far the 1/3 voter turn out prediction will not have been exceeded by any means!
Personally, I am happy that I live in a free country where I have the right to vote and I gladly exercised that right today. God Bless America!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Where are the Republicans??
I live in the State of Missouri. I am a resident of the 1st Congressional District, the 14th State Senate District, and the 77th State House District. Tomorrow, as a Missourian, I will go to the polls to cast my vote in the primary elections.
In preparation for the voting in the primaries, I have been working to determine which candidate best represents my ideology. I am a political junkie so I actually enjoy this preparatory work for my poll going experience. What annoys me is that in many cases I don't have anything to vote for!
In the statewide elections, of which I believe there are about six, only two of them have more than one Republican running for the office. I very much would like to have a choice in the primary elections and am surprised that in many cases there is only one candidate. In some cases this is true of the Democratic Party as well - they also have fielded only one candidate. Some of these folks are incumbents and in those cases I don't expect any opposition from within their own parties.
What is most troubling is that in the case of the US Congressional Race there is no Republican candidate at all! The incumbent Democrat, William Lacy Clay only has one opponent - a Libertarian Party Candidate. Are there really no Republicans in the entire 1st Congressional District of Missouri who could at least run for this office?
While my State Senate District does not have a race this fall the State House District does. In this case, not only is there no Republican running but there is only one candidate period. The candidate is a Democrat. I would again ask - are there no Republicans? I would think there must be someone in the 77th House District of Missouri that could run! In this case - I would think there would at least be someone of any party trying to run - at least we would have a choice!
I am beginning to wonder why we are bothering with a primary in many of these races! While I enjoy politics I don't think that I am one to consider running for office. As a member of the clergy - I don't believe it is my vocational calling to run for or hold political office in the realm of the State. However, I believe there are solid people who do have this vocational calling and I would gladly support them in their run for office.
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