Once again the United Nations had Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (Machmoud I'm-a-nut-job, as Jay Leno calls him) address the General Assembly. Last year he spoke to them and then at Columbia University. Ahmadinejad demonstrated exactly why he is a nut job in his remarks today.
This tin-horned dictator stood before the UN General Assembly and indicated that the holocaust never happened, that the "Zionists" should be wiped off the map, and that the United States is about to go away. Anyone who would suggest that the horrible mark upon history that is the holocaust did not take place can only be a nut job!
While the United States certainly is not the perfect nation and we do have our share of issues to deal with - it is also insane to suggest that we are about to go away. The United States, despite all of her faults, is still the greatest nation on earth and has much going for it!
My advice to Mr. Ahmadinejad is quite simple. If you hate us so much - then get the hell out of our country, stop using our media as your platform to condemn us and our allies, and last but not least - don't bother to come back next year!
1 comment:
It's hard to believe that the mainstream media has trouble recognizing a facist, spittle-ridden dictator when they see one. . .
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