Ms. Carol Fowler (D-SC) who serves as the chairwoman of the South Carolina Democratic party has made a comment to the effect that Governor Palin only has one qualification for being the Republican nominee for Vice President. The qualification that she has indicated is that Sarah Palin has never had an abortion. Perhaps Ms. Fowler is not aware of the fact that the Republican Party has a Pro-Life Plank in their party platform!
Aside from the fact that the Republican Party is a Pro-Life party, I have to ask Ms. Fowler exactly what she believes is wrong with a woman not having had an abortion. I fail to see the problem here. After all - if these libs are as Pro-Choice as they desire to claim - then they would have no problem with the fact that a women has chosen life. Therein lies the problem - they are not Pro-Choice - they are in fact Pro-Abortion! Ms. Fowler has demonstrated that clearly.
One other thing Ms. Fowler - Sarah Palin is well qualified to be the Vice Presidential running mate of John McCain and she is also well qualified to step into the office of President if it becomes necessary. She has served as a mayor and the Governor of the State of Alaska. She has the executive experience necessary. The fact that she has not had an abortion is a good thing and it does qualify her to be on the Republican ticket but it is only one of her many excellent traits!

Congressman Steve Cohen (D-TN) has also made some interesting comments. It is from Mr. Cohen's comments that the second two parts of this post's title come into play. He has compared Senator Barack Hussein Obama (D-IL) to Jesus and Governor Sarah Palin to Pontius Pilate - observing that Pilate was a governor.
Let me set the record straight! Whether or not you support Senator Obama for President of the United States the fact remains that he most certainly is NOT the Incarnate Son of God, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, Jesus Christ. For anyone to say that Senator Obama is Jesus is nothing short of blasphemous. Even to draw the comparison is absolutely ridiculous. There are many who would like to view Senator Obama as a messiah like candidate. They are entitled to their opinion however they are not entitled to actually equate Mr. Obama with the Christ. While I am setting the record straight, it is also inaccurate to equate Governor Palin with Pontius Pilate! Senator Palin is not setting out to crucify her opponent.
Mr. Cohen is apparently not the only person who has made such stupid comments. One begins to wonder just what is going on in the United States in this election. It would seem that many are not able to have the election take place in the realm of ideology but would rather reduce the election to such childish name calling. I would rather argue the issues and determine which candidate will best serve as President of the United States!
In case you are wondering I have made my decision. Senator John McCain is my choice for President. I am honored to support both he and his running mate, Governor Sarah Palin.
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