A video tribute to one of the greatest Presidents in American History was just played at the Republican National Convention. President Ronald Wilson Reagan was one of our greatest Presidents to be sure. It is regrettable that he has now left us in death. Nevertheless, he laid a firm foundation in the Reagan Revolution! A foot soldier in his revolution was Senator John McCain (R-AZ) - the work can go on if we elect Senator McCain. So in President Reagan's words, let's "win one for the Gipper!" Incidentally, she is not present tonight but let us not forget the ever gracious First Lady, Nancy Reagan!

Former Senator Fred Thompson (R-TN) is now addressing the assembly. A former opponent of Senator John McCain (R-AZ) is supporting Senator McCain for President. He has spoken of Governor Sarah Palin (R-AK)as a wise choice. Among her many great strengths, he has reminded us that she is the only one on any party's ticket who knows how to field dress a moose!
Senator Thompson is speaking of the strengths of John McCain. He is speaking of his honor and his tremendous military service and support for our military. It is clear that Senator McCain is a great American Hero. He avoided a return home after injuries in order to continue to serve his country. After all of that he was shot down. He was near death and refused to give up military secrets in exchange for medical care for he was putting his country first. Near death he forged on. He was treated terribly for two years and Senator Thompson is describing it in terrible detail.
Senator McCain was given the chance to leave the Hanoi Hilton for propaganda's sake. His captors said it would be bad for him if he stayed. Nevertheless, Senator McCain stayed there in the prison because he refused to leave without his comrades who had been there longer. No matter how hard they beat him he did not give in. Senator McCain endured this terrible treatment for five and a half years. Mr. McCain did this to serve us.
Senator Thompson just said, "Being a POW doesn't qualify anyone to be President but it does reveal character." That is the understatement of the evening. There are many things that qualify Mr. McCain to be President. His treatment and endurance in Hanoi tell us something more important - we can trust him with the Presidency, we know his character! We will be safe with him as the Commander in Chief!
Fred Thompson is articulating many great things about Senator McCain. From all of this and much more it is clear that Senator John McCain has solid character and always does what he believes is best for the United States! He even voted against his hero - Ronald Reagan because he thought it was best for the country. This is the kind of President that I want - someone who always does what is best for America!
Senator Thompson is doing a fine job of illustrating the problems with Senator Barack Hussein Obama and the Democratically controlled congress. In short, their policies are bad for America. Senator John McCain will do what America needs - that has been proven by his track record of service to America. It is clear that Senator McCain puts the United States of America (you and me) first!

Senator Joseph Lieberman (I-CT) is now addressing the convention. He is a former running mate of Vice-President Al Gore in 2000. This Democrat turned Independent has been a strong supporter of Senator John McCain in his bid for the Presidency. He has received a warm welcome to the dais. He still considers himself a Democrat in many ways but his party turned against him so he had to run as an Independent.
Perhaps you are wondering why he is there. Perhaps you don't expect to find him there. Senator Lieberman is there for a very important reason. He believes, as he just said, John McCain is the best person to be President. Senator Lieberman wants what is best for the United States. For him party is important but America is more important. In his estimation, John McCain is the candidate who will do "what he has done this week - put our country first!" It is, in Lieberman's words, "the code by which John has lived his life." Senator Lieberman - I wholeheartedly agree!
I am a strong Republican but I also agree that we need to do what is best for the United States. I believe that John McCain is the best man for the Presidency. It is refreshing to see a Democrat who is not afraid to give us some "Straight Talk." I have to give credit to Senator Lieberman for supporting the best man for the job not just his party's nominee.
Senator Joe Lieberman has indicated that Senator Barack Hussein Obama (D-IL) has not really accomplished anything in the United States Senate. He just indicated that even President William Jefferson Clinton accomplished more than Barack Obama in working with Republicans!
Senator Lieberman has now endorsed the selection of Governor Sarah Palin (R-AK) as the running mate for John McCain. He believes she is a strong reformer as she has demonstrated by her leadership in Alaska. Senator Lieberman believes that together McCain and Palin will fight for America and for us and as maverick reformers they will do it well! He believes that they will bring the National Unity that we need in America today, especially because of the War on Terror!
Senator Lieberman has traveled the globe with Senator McCain. He has asserted, based on first hand experience, that Senator McCain is the kind of president we need because our allies will trust him and and our enemies will fear him.
Senator Lieberman is speaking directly to his fellow Democrats and Independents. He is inviting them to support John McCain even though they might not ordinarily vote Republican. He is arguing that these are extraordinary times and that John McCain is an extraordinary candidate. He asserts that these folks, as we Republicans, can count on John McCain to do what is best for the American People. He is asking them to vote for the person who is best for our country in November, not for the party they happen to belong to. The man who is best for America is Senator John McCain!
All of this evening's speeches have been very strong. I believe that Mrs. Bush presented a strong presentation as did her husband, President George W. Bush. Both Senator Thompson and Senator Lieberman presented strong reasons to vote for John McCain and Sarah Palin. A great opening evening of speeches in St. Paul. Tomorrow will bring more great speeches including Mayor Rudy Giuliani and Governor Sarah Palin. I am looking forward to it.
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