Tonight at the Republican National Convention held at the Xcel Energy Center in Saint Paul, Minnesota, Senator John Sidney McCain III (R-AZ) accepted his party's nomination to be the GOP candidate for President of the United States of America. Senator McCain will run along side his running mate, Governor Sarah Palin (R-AK), who delivered an exceptional speech last night. Together these two mavericks will reform Washington, D.C.
Senator McCain has served well in the United States. After graduating from the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland, he entered military service. Serving as a pilot in the U.S. Navy, Senator McCain suffered injury in a tragic explosion on board an aircraft carrier in which many of his fellow soldiers were killed. Rather than leave military service after this tragic accident, John McCain forged on. Later, John McCain was shot down over Vietnam. He spent the next five and a half years as a POW in the Hanoi Hilton. He was beaten and continually tortured throughout his lengthy stay. When offered the opportunity to leave - John McCain said, "No." Why would he do this? He did this because he is a real American Hero who would not leave his comrades in the hell hole they were in.
Upon release from the Hanoi Hilton, Senator McCain arrived home in the United States. His service to the American People was far from over at this point. He ran for the United States House of Representatives. After he was elected, he went to work for America in Washington, D.C. He became a reformer who continually reached across the aisle to do what was right for the United States. He never worried about what was best for John McCain but rather what was best for America. This is why he was a foot soldier in the Reagan Revolution but did not hesitate to vote on issues against President Reagan's position when he disagreed with this great President.
Later, Senator McCain was elected by the people of the State of Arizona to serve in the United States Senate. He has served there with high distinction. He has continued his maverick style and continued to do what is best for America. He has consistently supported our troops and sought to stamp out terrorism in the War on Terror.
Senator John S. McCain entered the race for President of the United States and his party's nomination as their candidate. Throughout the Republican Primary races, John S. McCain remained the "straight talker" he is. In this way, he was victorious over numerous excellent candidates, including: Mitt Romney (R-MA), Mike Huckabee (R-AR), Rudy Giuliani (R-NY), Fred Thompson (R-TN), and Ron Paul (R-TX).
Tonight, this American Hero, this victorious candidate, this "Straight Talker" from Arizona, this Senator, this maverick, the next President of the United States, John S. McCain III accepted the Republican nomination as their candidate. Together with his well chosen running mate, Sarah Palin, he will press on to the White House. The McCain/Palin team will fight vigorously against their opponents, Senator Barack Hussein Obama (D-IL) and his Vice-Presidential running mate, Senator Joe Biden (D-DE).
Senator McCain's speech was introduced by another American Hero, his wife, Cindy McCain. The video which introduced the next First Lady described her selfless acts on behalf of many around the world in places that most of us would never desire to tread. She introduced us to the McCain children as she began her speech. Mrs. McCain spoke of her connections to the American People from the campaign trail. Her heartfelt remarks articulated that the McCain Campaign is not about the McCain's but rather about the American People. Her speech is a delightful contrast to the speech of Michelle Obama last week. There is no doubt which one of these women is ready to serve this nation as the First Lady, the next First Lady, Cindy McCain!
The final introduction for Mr. McCain's speech was given by video! This video demonstrated his status as an American Hero. The video also assured us that at his very core he is, in the words of his mother, "a mama's boy!" The video demonstrated his continued service to America and his strong basic American Values.
Senator John Sidney McCain III began his speech by expressing the rare privilege given to few Americans and accepted the Republican Party's nomination for President of the United States. It is a privilege that he accepted with "gratitude, humility, and confidence." He then gave tribute to his opponents in the primary process. He also paid tribute to the sitting President, George W. Bush for leading us in the dark days following September 11, 2001 and keeping us safe. He also gave tribute to First Lady, Laura Bush, as well as to Bush (41) and Barbara Bush.
Mr. McCain gave thanks to his wife, Cindy, and his seven children. He indicated that Cindy is very much his inspiration. He asserted that she will make a great First Lady, something that none of us can truly say, if we are honest, about the one many have described as a "street thug," Michelle Obama. Mr. McCain then paid tribute to his wonderful mother, Roberta McCain (Mrs. McCain is 96 years of age and looks great seated in arena)!
Finally, Mr. McCain gave thanks to his supporters and pledged not to let us down. He also promised to earn the trust of the undecided voters. Then in a classy way he pledged that despite differences, Senator Barack Obama and his supporters have his respect as fellow Americans! This respect and honor aside, there is no doubt, John McCain intends to win in November!
When McCain and Palin win they will work for the American People. His goal will be to get us on the road to prosperity and peace. Interrupted by a protester, Senator McCain simply implored his audience not to be distracted by the "ground noise and the static!" He began to speak directly to those who are in tough times and assured them that whether looking for work or a way to keep their home, he would stand by their side and fight for their future.
Senator McCain then spoke of his partner in this race, Governor Sarah Palin. He thanked the delegates that the American People for giving her a warm reception following her excellent speech last evening. He then spoke of her record of service and leadership. He said, "She stands up for what is right and she doesn't let anyone tell her to sit down!" He is proud to have introduced her to the country and can't wait to introduce her to Washington! "Change is Coming!"
The promise of this ticket to fix the country's problems is a promise that we, the American People can count on. Senator McCain acknowledged that he is a maverick. He knows that this means that he understands who he works for - "You - the American People." Senator McCain is a servant leader in the truest sense of the term. His pledge is to veto pork barrel spending and make those who try to push it public!
John McCain pledged to fight for the American People. He illustrated with examples of many who are in need in many and various ways. The lives of Americans matter to John McCain and he will fight for them. This is why he has also fought for our military. This is why when told that he would loose his bid for the White House if he supported the War and the Surge - he simply and honorably stood up for what he believed was right for America and said, "I'd rather loose an election than loose a war!"
John McCain said that both parties lost the trust of the American People. He pledged to change that and win back the trust of the American People. This will be done by getting the party of Lincoln, Roosevelt (that's Teddy Roosevelt not F.D.R. for those of you in Rio Linda), and Reagan back the basics. In a winsome way, he then articulated the primary planks of the Republican Party - the basics that the Grand Old Party was founded upon. These very fundamentals are what has made America great and will continue to do so!
Once again in a winsome way, he drew the lines of comparison with Barack Obama's position on the key issues and his own. He articulated clearly how John McCain's position on these issues will do what is best for America. Taxes will be kept low and even reduced thus creating jobs, enhancing the economy, improving the lives of American families, ridding the government of failed programs and excess spending, opening new markets, and keeping America safe! He also spoke of the importance of strengthening the American education system.
A key project in the McCain Administration will be to embark on a very ambitious project to reduce dependence upon foreign oil. We will drill wells and drill them now. The problem will be attacked on multiple fronts by: building nuclear power plants, use flex fuel, use wind, use natural gas, use solar energy, and many other possibilities. Once again we need to show the world "how Americans lead."
We need to continue to fight Al Qaeda so that they don't attack us again. We will also face the threats of Iran and others. Senator McCain is not "afraid of them" he is "prepared for them." Mr. McCain articulated his knowledge in foreign policy and how to stand up to those with whom negotiations is not possible. He spoke of his grandfather (who died the day after he returned for war), his father (a military hero), and his own experience in war. Mr. McCain says, "I hate war." He doesn't want war but rather intends to "build the foundations for a stable and enduring peace."
Senator McCain will do what is necessary to defend America and get her moving again. Mr. McCain said, "I have that record and the scars to prove it - Mr. Obama does not!" Senator McCain WILL do what is necessary for the American People. He said, "he has been an imperfect servant for many years but he has been a servant, first, last, and always."
He said, "He was blessed by misfortune." He felt that he was blessed because, "he served in the company of heroes." He used to think that he was most important - then he was shot down over Hanoi! He was imprisoned and left to die. He described the horrors of his time as a POW and described how his fellow POWs saved his life. He was offered the opportunity to go home but stood by the code that he could not go home until those who had been imprisoned before he was! He stayed in that hell hole and noted that many had it worse than he did! McCain said, "he fell in love with my country when I was a prisoner in someone else's." No longer was he his own man, he was, "his country's."
Senator McCain said that he isn't running because he is someone who feels that he is anointed to save the country in her moment of need. Rather, he asserted that, "my country saved me and I will fight for her" as long as he lives, "so help me God!" He then called upon the American People to live out their God given vocations as they serve their country in many and various ways. He plans to fight so that every American gives thanks to God for the privilege of being an American and calls upon us to fight with him! "We are Americans. We never give up. We never quit. We never hide from history. We make history!"
Senator John Sidney McCain III has delivered a powerful acceptance speech. He worked from his "town hall meeting" stage as he spoke. He presented a well reasoned rhetorical argument as to why he should be elected President of the United States. he spoke clearly and strongly and moved in his speech from conversational to a strong assertive speech. Senator McCain's speech was excellent! He lived up to the increased expectancy of a great speech after the speech of Governor Sarah Palin last evening.
The balloons are dropping along with the confetti. Senator and Mrs. John McCain are on the stage receiving the applause of the crowd. Together with the next President are Sarah Palin and her family, the McCain children, Mrs. Roberta McCain, and others. Vote John McCain for President - he just gave you every reason you need to do so!
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