Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Republican National Convention - Day 1

Well, there is very little to report from Day One of the Republican National Convention. Senator John McCain (R-AZ) elected to have a minimal opening to the first day of the convention because of the threat of Hurricane Gustav to the Gulf Coast.

Personally, I don't really believe that it should have been necessary to postpone the convention. I understand President Bush being involved with the hurricane, he is the sitting President and so it is meet, right, and salutary for him to be involved. I don't however see that it should be necessary for the business of the nation to come to a halt just because of disastrous weather in one region. At the same time, I realize that Senator McCain probably made a wise decision for had he not done this, the Democrats would have had a field day.

The other big news is that Governor Sarah Palin (R-AK) has a 17 year old daughter who is pregnant! WOW the Drive-By Media is sure trying to dig some stuff up on her. If this is the worst they can come up with, that's great!

Don't mistake me for saying that it is ok that Mrs. Palin's daughter is pregnant out of wedlock. It surely is not! However, given that she is, I was pleased to hear that she is engaged to the father and they will be getting married. It demonstrates that though they made a mistake they are doing the right thing now. I also believe that it is good that she is planning to have the child.

As John McCain said in his add on the night of Senator Barack Obama's (D-IL)acceptance speech (see add in post below), "we don't often recognize the achievements of our opponents." I would like to do that now. I understand from discussion on Fox News that Mr. Obama excoriated those who were using Governor Palin's daughter's pregnancy to make a political issue out of. He is to be commended for acknowledging that this is not something to make a political issue out of and for telling his campaign not to do so. So, kudos to Mr. Obama!

I look forward to the Republican Convention tonight and being able to post comments regarding the doing's in St. Paul. Maybe there will be some more of the crazy anarchists rioting in the streets making idiots out of themselves!

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