Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Slinging Mud - Slinging Lipstick

I guess the Presidential race has descended into the slinging mud stage of the of the campaign. You may recall that in her speech, Governor Sarah Palin (R-AK) mentioned the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull: lipstick. Now the term lipstick has arisen in the presidential race again.

Today the term lipstick was raised by Senator Barack Hussein Obama (D-IL)in comments he made about Senator John Sidney McCain III (R-AZ). Senator Obama was speaking about the fact that Senator McCain is billing himself as a candidate who will bring about significant change in Washington, D.C. Senator Obama suggested that McCain saying that he would bring change is like, "putting lipstick on a pig."

The question that faces us is this - was Senator Obama simply making a statement using this phrase - perhaps. Some have asserted that he was indirectly calling Senator McCain and Governor Palin pigs by using the lipstick line - perhaps. I am inclined to think that Senator Obama is going to wish that he had not started what some are already calling: lipstick-pig-gate. At the very least, one has to question his judgement in using this phrase in his remarks! One thing is for certain - with comments like these the mud slinging has begun!

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